Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Hold On, Joy is Coming - 3

     Sometimes I feel like I am at the edge of a high cliff overlooking the ocean below. I hear the waves crashing against the rocks below and the sound gets louder as I get closer to the edge of the cliff. 

    My mind swirls with thoughts as I get closer to the edge. 

    "I can't do this anymore." 

        - One step closer to the edge; the crashing waves are louder.

    "I don't know what to do." 

        One step closer to the edge; the crashing waves are louder.

    "I'm a fool; I'm a joke; I'm a terrible person." 

        One step closer to the edge; the crashing waves are louder.

    "I have tried over and over again, but I continue to fail. What's the point?" 

        - One step closer, almost to the edge now; the crashing waves are deafening.

    "God, where are you?" I cry out. "Jesus, I need you! Holy Spirit move in me!" 

        Then, one more step and a kind voice drowns out the deafening sound of the crashing waves, 

    "I'm here. Trust me. Hold on. You are going to make it. Step away from the edge."

    I want to trust. I want to believe, yet there is a quiet, nagging voice in the distance saying, "Take another step. Everything will be better if you just step off the edge." 

        I start to step... then, I feel a hand on my shoulder pull me back before I take that last step.

    Instantly, I feel a warm embrace and hear the kind voice from earlier say, "You are mine and I will not let you go. Trust me."

    The sound of the crashing waves have been silenced, and I find myself far away from the edge of the cliff. However, I know I will be back. 

        - Next time will I be as close to the edge?
        - Next time will the crashing waves be louder?
        - Next time will the nagging voice in the distance win? 

    In my questioning, the kind voice that pulled me back from the edge and warmly embraced me declares, "I will never leave you or forsake you. Call on me. I am always with you until the end of the age. I created you and I love you. My grace is sufficient. My strength is with you. I have good things planned for you. I will not let go. So don't you let go. Hold on." 

    I know this is my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I know he has so much more for me and for my life. 

    Some distance away from the edge of the cliff now, the swirling thoughts of doubt and unworthiness have disappeared. Beautiful thoughts of possibilities begin to play in my mind and I have joyful hope for the future. 

    As I joyfully hope for the future, I am reminded of the following Bible verse from the Apostle Paul, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer." - Romans 12:12 

    Dear friends, I pray that when you are close to the edge, you hear the voice of Jesus calling and trust him to pull you back. He loves you so much, that he gave up his life and died for you. Trust in Jesus. Hold On. Joy is coming.

What is real? - God Is More Than Able

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